Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Taxi

When I go away from you
The world beats dead
Like a slackened drum.
I call out for you against the jutted stars
And shout into the ridges of the wind.
Streets coming fast,
One after the other,
Wedge you away from me,
And the lamps of the city prick my eyes
So that I can no longer see your face.
Why should I leave you,
To wound myself upon the sharp edges of the night?

A Word

We all need escape
To disappear and evade
For few moments
For a little while
Some refuge
Some respite
Monotonous is this life
So I color mine
And I color it with words
And green
I can color it
The way I please
Life is a word
And on paper
I can choose my ink
Or italic
Depends on how I format
I can go back
Cross and erase
Write and rewrite
Save or let it fade away
The choice is mine
The quill is in my hands
The power to decide
To define
Paper is where
I come to life
I believe
I can metamorphosize

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


"Take some ashes," she said, lifting the velvet bag to me.
My hand, suspended in air.
My eyes, looking away.
Past his face, past his being, in the roar of the sea.
"Take some ashes," she said again.
This is your friend.
Don't be afraid.

I reached into the grey dust,
Touching her. Touching what was left of her.
I held the ashes.

The waves, oblivious to us, roared, and continued to roar.
They would not be stilled.
But we came for silence.
We came for ceremony.
We came to yield her ashes to the sea,
To a silent sea.

Aware of the ashes in my palm.
Aware of the growing warmth of the ashes
In my palm.
Warmer and warmer until I felt the heat of Communion.

Opening my hand, I blew the ashes toward the sea.

"Don''t be afraid," I said.
And the sea, claiming her, rose like a temple before me.


The cigarette burns, silence resonates,
Swirling in the smoke, your voice, my name,
Words said, promises made, rotate….
I marvel, “is everything same?”

In the flame burns my bleeding heart,
I give death to immortal love,
I sever life’s darkest part,
The last beacon in dusk.

My memories, I burn one by one,
I see vital signs vanish.
Stinging me, deeds undone.
Array of thoughts, I banish.

Dreams shattered, now depart…
The last hopes, I discard.
Swirling in the smoke, your voice, my name
The cigarette burns, silence resonates.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Cemetry of Glee

i stud my words on this dark canvas,
my thoughts and grief i weave,
a shoulder, a hand, i crave for,
a secret in my eyes concealed.

a cry unheard, a heart that bleeds,
my soul dies with dead leaves,
demised my hopes, slain my aims,
engraved in chapters of life i read.

lifeless my passion , useless my fight,
conundrum of fate i perceive.
rosary of memories, my last belonging,
with the last prayer and plea.

majestic madness, seductive sadness,
gifts from God, received.
this untracked path i walk on,
cemetry of glee i reach...

Friday, February 13, 2009

Dreamed of Being

I dreamed, I did not know
The love I'd feel today;
The height of my true feelings,
And the depths they would portray.

And if I had one wish today,
A simple wish t'would be ...
Is that the love we feel this moment,
Lasts eternally.
And by our presence here today,
And for the love we share,
I thank you for our yesterdays
That brought us to be here.

But more than this, I vow to you,
My wishes yet to come ...
Tomorrow's dreams and fantasies,
This day that we are one.I promise to remember
In the future years and days,
The love I feel for you this moment ...
... Dreams fulfilled today.Yesterday we dreamed of what might be;
Today we validate our love;
And tomorrow we will cherish the life we have shared as one.